

The minimal personal website
of Marta Reina-Campos.

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ORCID iD icon0000-0002-8556-4280

About me

I am a CITA Canada Fellow at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) and McMaster University.
     Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), 60 St George St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H8
Further information at McMaster University and at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics

Research interests

I am interested on the co-formation and evolution of star clusters and their host galaxies in a hierarchical galaxy assembly context, with my ultimate goal being to be able to use old, massive stellar cluster populations as near-field cosmological tracers. In particular, I’m interested in:

Here is a recent invited talk I gave at the Fields Institute (Toronto, Canada) as part of the “Defining New Simulation Frontiers for Dark Matter Discovery” workshop, which I co-organised.


For an updated list of my publications, please check my ADS link or my ORCID iD iconorcid number.


I am a firm advocate that academia, and the STEM fields, benefit immensely when incorporating a plurality of voices and lifestyles. Over the past years I have participated in a variety of outreach activities. The Spanish Astronomical Society organises a “Chat with a Female Astronomer” program, in which the general public has access to online chats with individual female astronomers from Spain. Thanks to this program, I have engaged with more than a hundred participants since its first annual event in 2019. Back in 2017, I gave a TEDxUniHeidelberg talk on the multi-scale complexity of astrophysical phenomena.

Curriculum vitae

Find a one-page summary of my CV here (updated Nov 2024)